The first step to getting the home ready is cleaning it out.  The previous occupant had left so much in it that it took an entire day to stuff everything in contractor bags. 

A new neighbor was awesome enough to allow me to loadup her trailer and even had her husband haul it off to the dump.  I still have TWELVE bags left to dispose of, two ugly couches, and some other random furniture.  But at least it's contained and ready to go.  A huge thank you to "Aunt" Caroline.  Who helped keep me on track and fed, and did so much work herself. 

The amazing part of this whole thing is that the kids now have new friends living all around.  They met all the kids in the neighborhood right away and almost all of them are within the same age range, and they all get along great. 

The park is small.  My home makes a total of five residences, and no more can be added without major work.  Only one home doesn't have children. 

I was worried about moving to a mobile home park.  I work in them, after all, and they are not always filled with the most savory people.  That is why I sought out a small, quiet park.  However, I was still nervous.  I am pleased to say that I feel much better now, having met all the neighbors and watched my children become instant friends with the other children. 

Here's to hoping!
